We are so glad you are here!
Holly's Pilates Village is a different kind of fitness studio because life today presents unique challenges to our bodies. Many of us are tight in our hips, shoulders, and low backs. We're sedentary and aging without a plan for resilience. We have chronic conditions such as osteoporosis, scoliosis, and hyper mobility that make exercising more complicated. We can't just jump on a treadmill a few times a week and expect to undo the damage.

Precise Exercise System
So we don't offer cookie-cutter workouts here. Our studio specializes in teaching a precise exercise system that will transform your body from the inside out. We will help you fall in love with exercise as you gain strength, balance, flexibility and stamina. At Holly's Pilates Village, every body can learn to move with greater ease.
Prioritizing Your Well-being
We require all new clients to complete the intake form below and undergo a thorough assessment before booking classes. Studio Owner and Pilates Master Teacher Trainer Holly Holland conducts each of these 50-minute private workout sessions at a cost of $90. Based on the information she gathers, Holly then prepares a detailed plan to ensure that we address each client’s unique needs and goals as well as recommend the most suitable options going forward. Many new clients will need additional private sessions before they are ready for the rigors and pacing of group classes.
Whether you're seeking to improve your golf game, recover from pregnancy, melt your post-menopause muffin top, or learn how to pick up your grandchild without killing your back, we've got you covered.
The only question we have for you — When can you get started?
“As I have become more proficient in my practice, I have advanced to more challenging exercises that I never thought I could do. This gives me a sense of accomplishment. You don't have to work out hard or lift heavy to see the benefits with Pilates. Small, precise movements are powerful."
– Shelley Shaughnessy